Finding Neverland

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In a world full of uncertainty, where traveling seemed impossible, we went on the biggest adventure of our lives.
On the following pages we will tell you about the journey, what made us laugh and what made us cry, what it was like to travel during a pandemic and why we would do it again. We will also tell you how to make your own dreams come true.

We are still far behind with our blog posts - sorry! The trip was too exciting to spend time on a computer... being back home, we are now happy to take the time and share our stories with you. There is so much to tell...


Christmas in Cape Town.

We all have those dreams. Many of those will stay dreams forever. Because we are to afraid to take the leap, to leave our comfort zone, to get into the unknown. We are no exception. Until we realized, it is now or never… Plenty of miles we have covered already, but this will be our greatest 168极速赛车 ever. Experiencing “Christmas in Cape Town” is not the goal; it is solely the reason for this journey… The road from Switzerland to Cape Town, the adventure that awaits us along it, while we learn about this world and our part in it: that is our goal!

Follow us here and on Social Media as we prepare for the trip and slowly but surely get ready for the ride of our lives.

Like some fact-based insights? We will share all figures from the nights we slept in our tent, over how much we spend on fuel to how many tons of CO2 emission our entire trip caused within the Diary.
Countries crossed
Kilometers traveled
Liters of gasoline
26, 0
Tons CO2 emission

.: THAT'S WHO :.

We are not rich. We are not great riders. We are not 168极速赛车 wizards. But we are real. And we love to ride. Love to take a picture every now and then. And we love each other too (aaawww).
Maia & 1分钟168极速赛车开奖记录平台开奖号码

Starting 2015, they are exploring the world together. Travelling usually happens on two motorcycles (Maia quickly got bored being 2-up…), on and off windy roads that take us to… Who knows where? It is amazing to share the same passion with your partner. Lennart quickly realized that he had to put a ring on Maia, so he proposed in style: during a motorcycle adventure in the Himalayas, at 4’500 meters above sea level. Although we are originally from Holland (Lennart) and Germany (Maia), we call Switzerland our home nowadays. From here, step by step, we discover the world.

Watch us doing what we love most.



With every mile that you are further away from home, trust becomes more and more important.

Motorcycle & 极速赛车app168极速直直播免费下载 Gear

Find out what riding gear we use – and why.

Charity & Sustainability

Our CO2 footprint will be 1分钟官方急速在线开奖官方网站, therefore we travel climate neutral. We'll also take a personal look at some special projects.

Travel Equipment

Riding all day is great – but how and where do we sleep at night? What do we need besides our motorcycle?



You love motorcycles and 168极速赛车? Great, you came to the right place!
See below what this website is all about...

Preparing the adventure

A million reasons not to go. A million and one bad ideas. A million and two people that say don’t go because it is dangerous. Well, too bad. Read how we work our way through all the paperwork and get ourselves, and our gear, ready for departure.


On the Road

Laugh and cry with us as we make our way towards our final destination, Cape Town. We will share the stories from along the road, tell about the people we meet and try to share the passion for travelling through our photos.


Charity & Culture

We cherish the world we live in and appreciate the joy it gives us every day. In Africa, we will get to know
a different lifestyle. What can we learn from the African people? And do the charity projects really help?
We’ll try to find out as we go along.


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Real people. Real stories. Real adventures. Real f*ck-ups. Real joy. Real tears. Although we will have a million or two amazing experiences, we will bring you the real deal. #nofilter – only our photos are nicely edited, not our stories…



168官方开奖极速赛车官网计划分析开奖数据... We call it the diary. Because a diary contains secrets.

Get in touch - we love to talk!